as inflation cools. from new york, our north america business correspondent michelle fleury sent this report. the december notes from the us central banks last meeting showed policymakers are feeling better about inflation. they agreed with investors that interest rates are at or near the peak for this cycle. they also agree it will come down this year. but they offered no clues as to how or when that will happen. to remind viewers, the federal reserve started raising rates in march 2022 to tame inflation. it did so 11 times, taking the benchmark rate to 5.5%. inflation, by the time of the last meeting, had dropped to 3.2% from a peak of 9.1%. meanwhile, new data out on wednesday showed the number ofjob openings in the united states fell to 8.79 million in november. this points to weaker demand for labour but is still well above pre covid levels. that is consistent with the fed s goal. to slow the economy without triggering a nasty recession. the feds first rate setting meeti
fleury sent this report. the december notes from the us central bank s last meeting showed policymakers are feeling better about inflation. they agreed with investors that interest rates are at or near the peak for this cycle. they also agree it will come down this year. but they offered no clues as to how or when that will happen. to remind viewers, the federal reserve started raising rates in march 2022 to tame inflation. it did so 11 times, taking the benchmark rate to 5.5%. inflation, by the time of the last meeting, had dropped to 3.2% from a peak of 9.1%. meanwhile, new data out on wednesday showed the number ofjob openings in the united states fell to 8.79 million in november. this points to weaker demand for labour but is still well above pre covid levels. that is consistent with the fed s goal. to slow the economy without triggering a nasty recession. the feds first rate setting meeting this year starting january 30. investors are holding their breath is beneficial t
correspondence sent this report. the december note on the us central banks asked meeting showed policymakers are feeling better about inflation. they agreed with investors that interest rates are at or near the peak of the cycle. they also agree it will come down this year. they offered no clues as to how or when that will happen. to remind viewers come at the federal reserve started raising rates in march 2022 to tame inflation. it is so 11 times, taking the benchmark rate to 5.5%. inflation by the time of the last meeting had dropped to 3.2% from a peak of 9.1%. meanwhile, new data out on wednesday showed the number of job openings in the united states fell to 8.79 million in november. this points to weaker demand for labour but is still well above pre covid levels. that is consistent with the fed s goal. to slow the economy without triggering a nasty recession. the feds first ratesetting meeting this year starting january 30. that disappointment is reflected in how us stoc
if you have joined if you havejoined us, you are welcome and we are looking at the top business stories. we start here in the uk, where there is some relief for millions of people facing soaring housing costs. lenders have started the new year by slashing the cost of mortgages as financial markets bet the bank of england will soon begin to cut interest rates from their 15 year high. from today banking giant hsbc becomes the first major lender to bring back mortgages below 4% since last march. it comes as rival halifax slashed almost a percentage point off some of its mortgage rates this week. and it s raised hopes of a price war between banks. hsbc is offering a five year fixed rate mortgage at 3.94%. it s only available to people remortgaging their home not to first time buyers. but it s far below rates of almost 6.5% that borrowers were facing just a few months ago. and it will be a welcome development for many uk households as our cost of living correspondent kevin peach
The speaker pro tempore the yeas are 362 and the nays are 45. 2 3 being in the affirmative, the bill is passed and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Fitzpatrick, to suspend the rules h. R. 5606 on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the bill. To clerk h. R. 5606, a bill facilitate to assist in the fighting of terrorist activities and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the spe