A search for two missing teenagers in a rural town led to a grim discovery at the ranch of a registered sex offender who is believed to also be among the dead.
The bodies of seven people, including two missing teens and a convicted sex offender, were found Monday (May 1) afternoon on a property near the small Oklahoma city of Henryetta, the county sheriff said. Corpses believed to be 14-year-old Ivy Webster and 16-year-old Brittany Brewer were found when officers searched the property where the sex offender, Jesse McFadden, lived, Okmulgee.
The bodies of seven people, including two missing teens and a convicted sex offender, were found Monday afternoon on a property near the small Oklahoma city of Henryetta, the county sheriff said.Corpses believed to be 14-year-old Ivy Webster and 16-year-old Brittany Brewer were found when officers s