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Buenos Aires Province Health Minister Daniel Gollán sat down for a feature-length interview with Perfil co-founder Jorge Fontevecchia in May 2021. | PERFIL/PABLO CUARTEROLO
For most of the coronavirus pandemic, all major decision-making was preceded by triangular consultations between the National, Buenos Aires Province and Buenos Aires City governments, each with their own angle on the problems.
Over the past fortnight, we have carried interviews with National Health Minister Carla Vizzotti and her City Hall counterpart Fernán Quirós. Today, Buenos Aires Province’s Daniel Gollán rounds off this series of interviews. -
Buenos Aires Province Health Minister Daniel Gollán says all other debates should be postponed in order to work together in the face of the pandemic. He explains the logic behind the restrictions proposed by the provincial government. In his eyes the possibility of opening up activities this winter will essentially depend on lowering con