If parents continue sacrificing children on the altar of government schools, the future looks bleak indeed. But if they take back the role of guardians, a glorious future of restoration and healing is possible.“Things reveal themselves passing away,” wrote Irish poet William Butler Yeats, reviving an old folk saying about how changing times bring into sharp focus the dying old ways that were once taken for granted. On another occasion, he wrote in his 1919 “The Second Coming”: Things fall apart;
Today, it’s increasingly easy for African American families to find a foothold in the homeschooling world, be it through Facebook groups and other online resources.
Two moms who choose to educate their kids at home say they don't do "summer break," so back-to-school season for them is very different from the typical hustle and bustle of many parents.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images(NEW YORK) Homeschooling, once a relatively niche form of education that has been growing steadily in the past decades, has seen a