is far from finished, this agreement is critical step forward and what can possible when we act in the best interest of our country. carley: fox news alert, former president donald trump discussing foreign policy to inflation during a town hall with sean hannity last night. todd: lucas tomlinson has more on 2024. hi, lucas. lucas: fox news town hall hosted by sean hannity. president trump talking about the u.s. economy. here are the highlights. i think it is the most serious time, we have nuclear weapons on lots of different areas, we have russia, north korea, iran will have one, that should have never happened. there is dual system of government, dual system, talk about law and order. you can t have law and order in a country with such corruption. we were energy independent three years ago. what people don t know, we have liquid gold, it is gold, better than gold. inflation is a cancer to a country. we will stop inflation. the highest inflation in 52 years. lucas:
it killed the operator. lucas tomlinson will break it down. lucas. lucas: that is right. good morning, todd and carley. chief of testing says this happened during a simulation that taught a drone to destroy missiles. they said it went wrong when the operator tried to take over the manual. the operator would say, yes, kill that threat. the system realized, they did identify the threat at times, the operator would tell it not to kill that threat. what did it do? it killed the operator because that person was keeping it from accomplishing its objective. sounds like the terminator. the air force says the department of air force has not conducted such exercises. security experts are still warning something like this could happen, claiming humans have created disinformation and propaganda bots. center of ai safety adding this could be catastrophic to humans. many are concerned that ai in future and given it is progressing rapidly, could lead to human extinction or making societ
far left socialist agenda which led to increased spending, increased inflation. democrats should talk about the economy. they should contrast their views with the republican decision. they should be talking about how much things cost at the supermarket, the gas pump. if they talk about anything else, they are nuts. todd: alexandria hoff live in washington with the very latest. alexandria? you heard that last sound bite. they ve been trying to talk about anything else. inflation is a top issue for midterm voters combined with recession concerns and the biden administration has had to come up with a sensitive response. it s possible but not inevitable and we are doing everything we can to strengthen the foundations of the american economy. retail sales, payload employment, industrial production, all of those have not been flashing red. all of those are not recessionary territory. eco-there is s vehicle there is now a 63% chance that recession will hit e next three mo
fbi but to demand changes. christopher wray was to clean up after james comey but astonishingly, he has made things worse. millions are fighting and americans and are now frightened of the fbi peer that is unsustainable and the democratic republic. christopher wray must be fire merrick garland impeached in the fbi replaced. we need a new organization that all americans can trust. todd: brooke singman has more what we can expect today. good morning guys that standing charges against igor danchenko after closing statements just hours from now. it comes as a federal judge dismisses one of the five charges against igor danchenko with false statements to the fbi. igor danchenko told the fbi he never talked to charles dorn junior apr executive who contributed information to the debunk still dossier. the legal team arguing since he never literally spoke to him but emailed back and forth, the statement was true. the trial also uncovering revelations of the alleged payments to inf
joined toward and moved to have an opportunity to sit down and have difficult in-house conversations on what people want. coming out of that, we felt we had a lot of agreement on 99% of the issues, a couple of 1% items that will continue to be discussed, but this is how legislation works and how leaders are elected. military guy in the freshman class, it is important we pragmatic about getting results, result here is the speaker is one person of a body of 434. we re committed to being able to move forward agenda that helps the american people and gets us on the same page. ashley: i don t think anybody disagrees healthy conversation is needed and they have known this is coming for a couple months, maybe this should have been hashed out a couple months ago. zach nunn, thank you for getting up with us. todd: thank you for your service. ashley: the man accused of murdering four university of idaho students. todd: the fbi was on to him weeks before his arrest. brooke singm