Tomatoes are one of the most popular crops grown all over the world. They can be planted anywhere in yards or gardens. Tomatoes like to get off a good start with a really good nitrogen.
A good harvest, however, is useless if there is no market for the produce. Economically-oriented farmers should therefore grow crops that are marketable with an eye on the festive season
Guide for hybrid crops to plant this season
Saturday April 03 2021
Farmers have cleared their gardens and sowing the seeds is ongoing in several parts of the country. Agronomists recommend hybrid varieties which will beget high yields.
Early this week, the Uganda National Meteorological Authority (UNMA) predicted heavy first rainy season which has already started.
Seeds of Gold talked with several agronomy experts breeding various crop varieties and below they share the crops farmers should plant this season.
The head of the bean programme at the National Crop Resources Research Institute (NaCRRI) in Namulonge Dr Stanley Nkalubo explains that farmers are advised to grow hybrid bean varieties which are high yielding.
Daily Monitor
Saturday January 30 2021
The eggshells should ideally be roasted in a frying pan over low heat for about 45 minutes to remove any organic substances that will contaminate the solution when they rot.
Water-soluble calcium is a source of available calcium that can be made from commonly used household items, eggshells and vinegar. When applied as a foliar spray, Water-soluble calcium provides available calcium to plants for normal cell processes, root growth, and fruiting.
Calcium plays a very important role as a nutrient in regulating plant growth and development and must be available for uptake from the soil or other growing media. Calcium can also react with other soil nutrients, such as phosphorous, to form insoluble compounds that cannot be used by plants.