The new documentary by Justin Monroe follows Tim Carey as he and then-employer Judson Studios made the largest fused glass stained-glass window in the world for a Kansas megachurch.
The new documentary by Justin Monroe follows Tim Carey as he and then-employer Judson Studios made the largest fused glass stained-glass window in the world for a Kansas megachurch.
The new documentary by Justin Monroe follows Tim Carey as he and then-employer Judson Studios made the largest fused glass stained-glass window in the world for a Kansas megachurch.
The new documentary by Justin Monroe follows Tim Carey as he and then-employer Judson Studios made the largest fused glass stained-glass window in the world for a Kansas megachurch.
The new documentary by Justin Monroe follows Tim Carey as he and then-employer Judson Studios made the largest fused glass stained-glass window in the world for a Kansas megachurch.