Ekagrah Rohan Murty, the five-month-old grandson of Narayana Murthy was in the news when his grandfather gifted him 15 lakh shares of Infosys. Now, he is in the news for the dividend income he has earnt from Infosys.
Three Lok Sabha MPs in India s Parliament have asked the government if it is evaluating the suggestion of a 70-hour work week, proposed by Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy.
Infosys Foundation chairperson Sudha Murty recently appeared in an interview on a YouTube channel, Khaane Mein Kya Hai . The episode named Tasting Tradition: Sudha Murty on Indian Cuisine, Films, and Books was hosted by Kunal Vijaykar. Watch Business Today visual story to know about Sudha Murty’s vegetarian habits and more.