The BJP received 59.3 per cent vote share, up by around 1.3 per cent as compared to 2019 poll results. Though the Congress vote share dipped by 2.1 per cent this time, none of its candidates lost deposit. Its vote share came down to 32.4 per cent from 34.5 per cent in 2019.
In the constituency of Satna, BJP's Ganesh Singh emerged victorious with a margin of 84,949 votes. However, the presence of Bahujan Samaj Party's Narayan Tripathi, who secured 185,618 votes, surpassed the winning margin. Congress's Siddharth Kushwaha, the runner-up, obtained 374,779 votes, indicating a significant impact caused by the third-party candidate on the electoral dynamics
Madhya Pradesh faces a waveless election with BJP's 28 seats on the line. Can emotional appeals and caste dynamics shift the tide against the ruling party? Insights into the key contests and strategies before the June 4 results.
Due to lack of enthusiasm of voters, Congress is in contest on at least four seats Milind Muzumdar, Indore This time, Congress can perform better in the state than 2014. In 2014, Congress was successful in winning Chhindwara and Guna seats. Then Kamal Nath had won from Chhindwara and Jyotiraditya Scindia had won from Guna.
our correspondent satna/damoh/rewa/katni, under second phase of polling on april 26, polling would be held in damoh, khajuraho, satna, rewa, hoshangabad, tikamgarh lok sabha area. the polling parties