people up and recorded video that he was looking forward to drags people out of the capitol building, kicking and screaming and wanted to specifically drag nancywa pelosi out of the capit building by her ankles because he wanted to see her head hit every step on the capitol building as he physically dragged her out. the part of the three t. percenters, well represented in washington during the attack. and a group that has surfaced in physical intimidation cases like rusty bowers. the first man put on trial for thers january 6th alleged crime and convicted on all counts, five fell nis and now time for the court to hand down his his defense lawyers have asked the judge toen give guy reffitt less than two years in prison.
0 , so his son was 18, his daughter is 16. and on christmas eve, 2020, so that s like a month and a half after the like a month and a haf after th christmas eve 2020, his 18-year-old son went online to the fbi website to and he submitted a tip to the fbi about his dad. he told them that his dad was planning to do some things violent, that his dad was not only calling for there to be violence against government officials, the son told the fbi when he submitted that online tip that he believed his plan, his dad was actually planning to do something violent himself he told the fbi his father was planning to quot that was christmas eve 2020. when that young man submitted that tip to0. the fbi. i didn t hear back initially. it took a couple of weeks. it took until after the january 6th 2021 attack on the u.s. capitol building, then the fbi decided.s that maybe that tip deserved some follow-up. by the time the fbi got in touch with the son, the son s father had not only trav