24-year-old Mohammed Aashiq won the eighth season of MasterChef India, took home Rs 25 lakh as prize money. - MasterChef 8 Winner Mohammed Aashiq Takes Home The Trophy, Coat And Rs 25 Lakh Prize Money
Mohammed Aashiq, a 24-year-old from Mangalore, emerged victorious in MasterChef India 2023, with Nambie Jessica and Rukhsaar Sayeed as first and second runners-up. Aashiq s gratitude for the transformative journey, overcoming prior disqualification, and the finalists culinary feats, showcased their diverse talents. Aashiq s emotional crab dish, Jessica s Square Root creation intertwined with her personal story, and Sayeed s Kashmiri flavors impressed the judges. The finale crowned Aashiq the winner, claiming Rs 25 Lakhs, while Jessica and Sayeed received Rs 5 Lakhs each.