Myanmar’s National Unity Government Promises to Support Striking Civil Servants
Striking health workers protest against the military regime on Feb. 10 in Yangon. / The Irrawaddy
By The Irrawaddy 6 May 2021
Myanmar’s National Unity Government (NUG), a shadow government formed to rival the military regime, said it has formed a Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) support committee to help striking government employees. The committee consists of representatives of ministries and departments formed by the NUG, said the labor minister, Nai Thuwunna. “The military council has been arresting striking government employees. Many strikers face financial hardships as they don’t receive their salaries. We have considered this,” said the minister. The NUG treats the CDM as a top priority and how to support the striking government employees has been on the agenda of every NUG meeting since the shadow government was formed on April 16, he said. While the CDM is proving to be one o