ahost of the podcast. guys, good morning. did you see scott s face? i didn t. i want to get to the substance of this and move on from what was put on the congressional record though. i mean, what a moment, cara. this happened but not the way you thought it happened? that is correct. i am glad we got to the bottom of this nonsense. this is ridiculous. what has been shown here is that twitter was not really pressured but they were contacted by everybody who wanted to influence what they were doing. there was no conspiracy here. there was no anything except people trying to gain purchase and in the case of this hunter biden thing they denied it. this is not there is no they denied it. and so i think this was a waste of taxpayer money. it s a lot of nonsense. it s a lot of allegations they can t prove. hopefully, they will move along and move on to another nonsensical idea or conspiracy theory around these people. i thought the executives did a
Die israelische Polizei hat nach eigenen Angaben in Jerusalem eine Palästinenserin tödlich verletzt. Die Frau soll die Beamten zuvor mit einem Messer angegriffen haben. Die Sicherheitskräfte blieben unversehrt.
Neuen Angriffe verschärfen die Konfrontation an der Grenze zwischen Israel und dem Gazastreifen. Brandballons, Luftwaffenangriffe und Schussverletzungen von Zivilisten sind bei den gewaltsamen Protesten gefeuert worden.