Exposure now theyre killing us and losing hope People Living in lebanon say theres no solutions to their countrys financial meltdown. But 1st our media and azerbaijans leaders are resisting growing International Pressure to end their conflicts over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh french president s Emanuel Mccraw and Russias Vladimir Putin have joined calls for a cease fire a civilian and military casualties continue to mount Robin Forrester walker reports now from tbilisi. This is not going to care about this deadly new war films by news site head could am on the armenian front lines. Well. You can hear the sound of a drone. Soldiers desperately trying to shoot down a median forces have dug in but as a by john says this war will end only with the return of the disputed territory. The cost of that war so far the numbers of azeri dead and wounded is a secret known only to the as their leadership. That we have only one condition armenia must leave our lands if the armenian governm