HYDERABAD: In a shocking incident, a one-year-old baby boy sleeping with his father in a hut was dragged out and killed by a pack of stray dogs at Sha.
HYDERABAD: Task force police seized Rs 89.92 lakh cash from a jeep at Road No 82 at Jubilee Hills in the morning hours of Monday. West Zone Task Force police arrested a person who reportedly told the cops that he was taking the money to deliver it to a BJP candidate contesting in the Munugode Byelection. According to the police, Kadari Srinivas of Pudur near Shamirpet was
Machilipatnam ysrcp leader died: Machilipatnam: A YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) activist named Odugu Nagaraju (46), died after being seriously injured in an attack by TDP workers at Garaladibba village near Machilipatnam mandal in Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh. This led to severe tension in the village during Nagaraju's funeral rites which were conducted on Sunday amid heavy