On November 7, Annamalai had said that the party’s first job when they come to power in Tamil Nadu would be to remove the statues of E V Ramasamy, revered as ‘Periyar,’ from outside temples | Latest News India
Seven students of a private engineering college in Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu were arrested for allegedly ragging and assaulting a junior, police said. | Latest News India
The order was based on the petition of AIADMK general secretary Edappadi Palaniswami seeking an interim injunction against Panneerselvam | Latest News India
Annamalai also spoke of abolishing Tamil Nadu’s department of Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) which administers close to 50,000 temples in the state | Latest News India
The former DGP will play a crucial role in ensuring that students have a supportive environment for their academic and personal growth, the institute said in a statement | Latest News India