Anywhere children go, predators are lurking. Last week, the Wall Street Journal published an investigation showing that Instagram’s Reels algorithm has the capacity to serve sexually inappropriate content involving minors to platform users, and particularly those who may have deviant interest in children.
In recent years, Finland has led the way in curtailing the widespread professional recommendation of gender transitioning in minors. In 2020, the Scandinavian nation announced it would be prioritizing psychological interventions instead of affirmation for gender dysphoric youth, particularly those presenting with a post-pubertal onset. Doing so acknowledged the worldwide increase in adolescent girls and young women suddenly wishing to transition.
A lawsuit filed by sorority sisters at the University of Wyoming was recently dismissed by a federal judge. At least six sorority members took issue with the admission of a transgender student who joined the sorority after "identifying" as female.
In the name of "equal rights," the word "woman" itself is being scrubbed and plastered over with dehumanizing language such as "menstruators," "egg-producers," and "pregnant people" a term that has newfound relevance in light of recent scientific news.
If you have a weak stomach, you may want to sit this one out. A new case study published last week in Urology Case Reports details a man who intentionally chemically burned his penis, presumably with the goal of having it removed. The 57-year-old identified as female and had previously undergone androgen deprivation therapy, but after moving to a rural location, was no longer able to continue treatment.