as you can see, i didn t really help out that much. they gave me a small job. i had a lot of fun. ainsley: do your family does the cranberries in the can. my mom makes her own cranberry sauce. she is a good cook you spent time cooking with her. it s delicious. brian: i have not had cranberry sauce that did not retain the shape of the can. open the top. steve: brian, you need the fresh kind. brian: did you bring any back? i think you need new beginnings this year and step outside of your comfort zone. ainsley: i don t even know of a grocery store that sells the fresh ones. we always had the can. my grandmother would put it on square plate. ridges from the can on the outside. these row processed cranberries. fresh cranberries are actually grown in entirely different way or harvested in a different way. i also went to a fresh cranberry farm and that you can find on if anybody is interested. brian: you spent a lot of time on the farm. next week potatoes. i m a city girl
lot. i had his guitar when i was 9. steve: there you go. my sisters loved him. ainsley: sold replica of guitars to kids. brian: with his fake signature. cost $4 but he was the hottest thing out there. steve: funny show, great show. david cassidy. brian: that s when the singing shows became singing groups. steve: the monkeys were a singing group. brian: remember the hard thing peter s voice was changing? remember that? ainsley: going through puberty, my goodness. ainsley: he sold one of his clients a deadly dose of prescription drugs. now that drug dealer is being forced to pay for the funeral. is that justice being served? we report. you decide. brian: all right. i will take it from here despite the way my name is spelled in the prompter. hillary clinton just won t go away. up next, people react to latest comments in the brand new dials. apparently, you know, my
are paying attention to. mostly across the country, especially in the heart of the country things are looking good. the last 24 hours it has been pouring across the pacific northwest. that s going to continue. can you see an additional 4 to 6 inches of rain which means there will be a couple of areas from eugene up to seettlez where can you see standing water on the roadways. the other concern is we are seeing across the atlantic. a system out in the ocean. right along the coast. this will continue to lift to the north today. by the end of the day today, completely clears out on the back side of it. it is a whole lot colder. this is your travel weather for the rest of the day. these are the airports. everywhere you are seeing green means we are go. the only trouble spots continue to be the pacific northwest, guys. i think by and large this is looking like a nice holiday, just those few spots we are at aing attention to from now all the way through your thanksgiving holiday, guys. steve
touched by angel fame. wife of mark burnett, how important was it for you to have her write it? roma is a great example all the way around. it s fantastic to have her on board to have her invested in the story. ultimately i think it is a story that will touch people. i think roma thinks that too. this is why we wrote it. brian: i sense a movie even though you are just 21. called left standing. miraculous story of how mason wells faith survived the boston and brussels terrorist attacks. ainsley: god bless you. god had big plans for your life clearly. brian: what s gq s idea of happy holiday ruin your family s thanksgiving by washing trump in front of them. apparently it s your civic duty. michelle mall cinel doesn t feel that way. she sounds off. ainsley: christmas decorations are going up earlier and earlier every year, right?
up to here with the nfl. ainsley: so tomorrow is thanksgiving. these are some big topics that you are probably going to be talking about around the thanksgiving table if do you want to talk about politics. we have the lavar thing. the dad thing. the president responding. them going back and forth and also this national anthem controversy. let us know what you think about all these topics because we ll be talking about them the next three hours. steve: 6:11 in morning, jillian. good morning. jillian: sounds like a band-aid. president trump vowing to do his part to bring peace to the middle east following hour long phone call with vladimir putin. it comes on the heels of the rare high fro coordination of anti-terror efforts with the u.s. the call also focusing on the critical need to increase international pressure on north korea. the fbi investigating democrat bob brady for allegedly paying an opponent