In the heart of Southeast Asia lies Myanmar, a country with a rich cultural heritage, an intriguing history, and a vibrant blend of diverse ethnicities.
Chinese-Made Drones Reportedly Monitor Anti-Regime Protests in Myanmar
Anti-regime protesters take cover during a crackdown by security forces in Mandalay in early March. / The Irrawaddy
By The Irrawaddy 10 April 2021
Russia has provided hardware, digital surveillance systems and new-model jet fighters to the Myanmar military. But what about China? According to Jane’s International Defence Review, Myanmar’s Air Force appears to be using Chinese-made unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to monitor anti-regime protesters on the streets.
“The sighting of the air vehicle, which is developed by Chinese state-owned … China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), is especially noteworthy given the secrecy in how the Tatmadaw [Myanmar’s armed forces] has operated it,” said the report by the British open-source defense intelligence publisher.
‘China get out of Myanmar’ say pro-democracy supporters
Sun Online Desk
3rd April, 2021 06:13:29
Pro-democracy supporters in Myanmar have called for the Chinese Embassy in Yangon to be closed, after China again blocked an attempt on Thursday by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to impose sanctions on the military regime in an attempt to stop the bloodshed in Myanmar.
Thousands of pro-democracy supporters, including prominent activists and celebrities, posted messages on their social media on Thursday and Friday saying, “China Get Out of Myanmar!”, “Get Out Chinese Embassy!” “We don’t need Chinese Embassy, Get out of Myanmar Right Now!!”