[b[birds chirprping] [suspenseful music] - i m m just gonnana tell you the e whole storory. so i i had the $ $50,000 debt becacause of thehe taxes. i was s screwed. jerry s dedead. i i m left hololding the b b. and i memean, i don n t hae $50,000 0 for the irirs. i m nonot going dodown like th. i i was just t thinking, okay, i g gotta dodo somethingng here. i gotta a do somethihing. i cacalled the i irs, and i sasaid, listeten, i k know you knknow i owe $ $5, but i i have a stotory for yo so i t told the irirs ththe whole ststory verbatat. now,w, it might t ve been a year l later, my accouountant, wewe were talklking, and.. he said,d, you knowow, you re thehe reason why all l this went t down i sasaid, what?t? he s said, yeahah. becacause they r reported it to thehe fbi or whwhomever and itit just buststed wide on afteter that, but i had d no idea. alall i was trtrying to dodo wt myself o out of a $5$50,000 de. and the next thing i knew, everybody is bein
[wind blowowing] [birds c chirping] [dogog whining]] - mymy name is j jared jacob, anand my fatheher is jerryry jerome j jacobson. [dramatitic music] - come h here, boy. come here. bailey, come h her. - i i grew up inin miami, flf. once my momom got divovorcd from him,, uh, hehe cut all t ties. i was s three yearars old whwhen they gogot divorcede. soso this is a a picture o oe asas a baby wiwith my dadd and my m mom s dad.. my mom c called and had d him arreststed fofor back chihild support whenen i was 13,3, and ththat s when n he popped on thehe radar. that s s when i rereally metm fofor the firsrst time. during t the summer,r, i wowould go flyly up to atla and go spepend, yoyou know, three oror four weekeks up t there with h him, kikind of getttting to knonowm a little b bit. i bebelieve he w was livingg withth alison. this is actually a picture of the wedding party whenen my dad anand linda got marrrried. that s my y mom in thehe pice with me e and him. i think k it
hello and welcome to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada and all around the world, i m kim brunhuber with the latest in our continuing coverage of the israel/hamas war. it s 5:00 a.m. here in atlanta. noon in gaza. day three of a fragile planned four-day truce between israel and hamas. so far, the pause in the fighting has held. israel is now preparing to receive another group of hostages today. the government has their names and has informed their families. further details about today s exchange haven t yet been announced 13 israelis and four thai nationals released on saturday only after an hours long delay threatened to up end the exchange. they range from 67 to 3 years of age. following preliminary checks they were taken to nearby hospitals for care and to reunite with families. they do show signs of extended captivity. qatar has been at the forefront in mediating this truce, and said difficulties like saturday s unexpected delay are to be expected a