Murrysville leaders will likely vote on an ordinance to regulate fracking injection wells at next month’s council session. Injection wells accept the wastewater, brine and byproducts of unconventional drilling operations, releasing the fluid into porous underground rock formations. Similar to the fracking ordinance Murrysville put in place several years ago,
Throughout southwestern Pennsylvania, old mines channel water tainted with heavy metals such as iron and aluminum into creeks and streams, killing aquatic life and disrupting the food chain. Murrysville officials have secured $2 million in grants to address three mine-water sources within the Lyons Run watershed. Lyons Run flows south
There are multiple injection well operations and appeals of operations in the communities of Plum and neighboring Murrysville. Plum officials are appealing the decision of their own zoning hearing board, which approved a second injection well in the borough. The Sedat injection well has been in operation since late spring
Murrysville council will hold a public hearing in July to take community input on its proposed injection well ordinance. Injection wells accept the wastewater, brine and byproducts of unconventional drilling operations, releasing the fluid into porous underground rock formations. In much the same way as the fracking ordinance Murrysville put
As Murrysville officials were going over their park policies, they discovered an odd restriction when it came to alcohol permits for events at park pavilions. “We had a section restricting alcohol at high school graduation parties,” Chief Administrator Michael Nestico said. Some council members felt it didn’t make much sense.