A aquestes alçades, i a un any de les eleccions municipals, apel·lar a la unitat estratègica de l independentisme comença a sonar a acudit dolent. I mira que l hem arribat a demanar alguns fins.
mostly support whether medical support or whether just like you having your dog with you. . state location that allowed you have your pet or other support animal with you there no rent i don t think anybody complaining about braun having puppies there. it makes it better. steve puppies is pretty tough arguments to face. what do you got? look, robert, makes me feel really bad but i got to disagree with him. i think here in california, if it is not a protected animal under federal law, there a lot of municipals including mine here in orange county that if it is not a federally licensed dog with proper paperwork, this businesses can excluded dog. from being present. now whether i agree with that or not, being dog love besides the point i think in it is not federally registered animal, as
Presenten l opuscle ‘Primers micròfons a Cassà , que recull l experiència dels pioners radiofònics a Cassà de la Selva Se subratlla el component associatiu de les emissores municipals en l era d internet
L Ajuntament de Barcelona ha instal·lat 340 càmeres zenitals situades als sostres dels 39 mercats municipals per facilitar els controls d aforament. La instal·lació ha suposat una inversió d uns.