Forty years ago, five koalas were released into the Yarran Dheran Reserve in Mitcham as the forerunners of an urban release program designed to foster koala breeding colonies in Melbourne.
Branko Miletic
Throughout a career spanning 40 years, Paul Haar has been immersed in architectural practice informed by deep green principles and active inside small local economic and social systems.
Our climate, biodiversity and COVID emergencies now highlight the imperative of this approach.
His early years were dedicated to revitalising a self-help housing culture amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
This brought him a solid understanding of material science, timber and earth construction, land, water and energy systems. He has lectured and mentored widely on these topics.
For the landmark Mullum Creek eco-housing project, Haar framed and oversaw design and construction practices that deeply mitigate environmental impacts embodied in construction materials and tied to the lifetime operation of homes.