The Ranchi police headquarters has sounded an alert in all the districts in view of the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony at the Ram Temple in Ayodhya on Monday. Around 5,000 additional personnel have been provided to the state to ensure law and order.
Narendra Sarangi (62), also known as Babu Bhai Bajrangi, from Jeypore, has been invited to witness the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ of the Ram temple in Ayodhya. Read more about his participation in the Ram temple movement and his excitement about the ceremony.
Sadhu Charan Panigrahy, who was injured in the 1990 stir, has been invited to visit the newly built Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. Read more about his journey and excitement for this long-awaited opportunity.
The three-day ‘Goonj Mahotsav’ started at Silli on Monday with the presentation of Chhau dance by 5,001 artists and the felicitation of achievers from different fields. Governor CP Radhakrishanan said, “The festival depicts our rich cultural heritage besides the nation’s unity in diversity.” National Games gold medal winner Dinesh Kumar, Asian Games silver medallist Madhumita Kumari, National Games silver medallist Dipti Kumari and Aghani Kumari, musician Hemli Kumari, dancer Mohan Sais, and Birsa Munda Archery Academy president Neha Mahto were among those honoured. Padam shree winners namely Chhutni Mahto, Jamuna Tudu, Madhu Mansuri and Mukund Nayak were among those present.
The controversy surrounding the presence of former Jharkhand chief minister and state BJP president Babulal Marandi on the dais of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s function at tribal icon Bhagwan Birsa Munda’s native place refuses to die down.