21/01304/HOU, Mr and Mrs Cutler, single storey timber orangery to replace existing conservatory, 8 Culley View. 21/01322/FUL, The Long Barn, amend approved plans condition, The Long Barn, Old Sheep Fair, Bishops Sutton Road.
Old Alresford
Shedfield 21/01231/HOU, Suzanna Polansky, creation of a wildlife pond with associated engineering work within the curtilage of the garden, Hatton Turnor House, Botley Road.
Soberton 21/01360/FUL, Mr Mullineaux, retrospective change of use – residential to retail, Oak Tree Farm, Church Road.
South Wonston 21/01307/HOU, Mr and Mrs Freemantle, single storey side extension and flue for woodburning stove, Cloudbank, 64 Downs Road.
Sparsholt 21/01368/HOU, Jill Penfold, install a new lean-to styled sun room onto the rear of the house; replace existing front (timber) porch with new wider design, 2 Sparsholt Fields.