Prabhanjan J from Tamil Nadu and Bora Varun ChakravarthiI of Andhra Pradesh scored a perfect 720/720 marks and emerged as Joint Topper of NEET UG 2023 the result of which was declared by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on its official website Tuesday.
Before the NTA releases the NEET UG answer key, let's take a look at previous years' toppers and how much they scored in NEET UG exams held during those years.
NEET UG 2022: The NTA used a new tie-breaker policy to award the first rank to Tanishka from Rajasthan. Delhi s Vatsa Ashish Batra is at the second spot while Hrishikesh Nagbhushan Gangule and Rucha Pawashe from Karnataka have been ranked third and fourth respectively.