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SAN JOSE, Calif., May 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ Movellus, Inc. today announced that Esperanto Technologies has adopted Movellus Maestro AI intelligent clocking solution for its ET-SoC-1 chips. Esperanto develops high-performance, energy-efficient computing solutions based on RISC-V for Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) applications. The first of the AI processor family for Esperanto, the ET-SoC-1 chip aims to reduce the energy costs in data centers for AI inference applications. It has more than 1,000 domain accelerated ET-Minion RISC-V cores and boasts up to 100X better energy efficiency in terms of inferences per watt than the incumbent solutions.
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SAN JOSE, Calif., Feb. 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ Movellus, Inc. today announced that Syntiant Corp. has adopted Movellus Maestro platform for its Syntiant
® NDP120™ Neural Decision Processor™ (NDP), the edge AI chip company s latest generation of special purpose semiconductors for always-on audio and sensor processing in battery-powered devices.
Movellus Maestro clock distribution network platform delivers chip-level architectural innovations to improve SoC performance while dramatically reducing power consumption. Movellus Maestro platform has enabled us to dramatically shorten our development time so we could deliver the NDP120 to customers at record pace. Kurt Busch, CEO of Syntiant
System architects developing SOCs for edge AI, data center, cryptocurrencies, space applications, or near-threshold and power-sensitive semiconductor designs face daunting clocking challenges. Maestro s Intelligent Clock Network uses the company s th