for three straight weeks. it s increased the tension since elon musk started doinge n the right thing and becoming transparent. d ation, at twitter.. you know, my concern was that ws this was a rogue fbi employee kw or two, but we knew the fbi wash the one communicating with themc three twitter employees. mrat. moscati and mr. baker, tht russ was russian disinformation pertaining to the hunter bideniu laptop, which is , you know, we re investigating the entire biden influence peddlinguenc schemes here.e but what we foun d today is the fbi had its own ministry of propaganda, 80 fbi dedicated to nothing but sintering free speech on the internet, 80 agents. as someone who s going to beints the incomingomeo chairman of the house oversight committee, that s roughly 12 million expenses to the taxpayers inin salary benefits. expensebut look at our first ae rights. anyone that cares about free speech should be outraged.
Tempo di lettura: < 1 minutoAvellino – Momenti di panico all’Azienda ospedaliera Moscati di Avellino. I fatti si sono verificati nella mattinata di ieri .
Tempo di lettura: 2 minutiL’Azienda ospedaliera “San Giuseppe Moscati” di Avellino aderisce a Garanzia Giovani Campania, il programma europeo che mira ad .