More than 600 travel organizations signed on to a letter today asking lawmakers to include the travel industry in any further Covid assistance it doles out to other industries lobbying for pandemic aid.
In interviews this week, lobbyists representing a range of business interests said they aren’t too worried about the party’s opening salvo on tax increases, confident the bill will be pared back.
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Presented by Coalition for App Fairness
With Daniel Lippman and Zach Warmbrodt
VENUES STILL WAITING FOR CASH AFTER LOBBYING VICTORY: When the pandemic hit last year, concert and performing arts venues banded together to form the National Independent Venue Association, which spent months lobbying Congress to help them. They succeeded in December: Congress included a grant program for shuttered venues in the Covid relief.
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With Daniel Lippman and Steven Overly
IRANIAN SCHOLAR CHARGED WITH VIOLATING FARA: The Justice Department announced today it has arrested an Iranian political scientist and scholar for acting as an unregistered agent of the Islamic Republic. According to a complaint unsealed today in federal court in Brooklyn,