Attendees tested their knowledge of all things at the seventh annual St. Louis Post-Dispatch Trivia Night on April 5, 2024 at the Moolah Shrine Center.
Moolah Shriners were caught on video this week assaulting two nonviolent protesters who had entered a Shriners meeting to proclaim, “Coal for you for Moolah Shriners were caught on video this week assaulting two nonviolent protesters who had entered a Shriners meeting to proclaim, “Coal for you for abusing animals in your circus! Drop the animal acts immediately!” Fez-wearing Shriners battered 32-year-old Sasha Monik, dressed as Santa, and 40-year-old Kyle Mayberry, who filmed the protest against the Moolah Shrine Circus’ continued use of animals, as they attempted to leave the building. One Shriner reportedly put Monik in a chokehold, twisted her arm, and held her against a wall while three or more of them threw Mayberry to the ground, ripping his clothing, and pinned him down. One Shriner kneeled on his back, and another stepped on his hand.