Masking will be optional for all Montclair students, staff, and visitors in all indoor and outdoor school settings, as well as on school buses, effective March 7
In the meantime if you see MEA members posting on social
media their holiday gatherings, trips and outings to restaurants with multiple families like I do – let them know that it’s this very behavior that keeps schools from opening. And it’s that behavior that spreads the disease and kills. The reason schools won’t be safe is because of people’s inability to adhere to the CDC guidelines. Some pay the price for others. Is New Zealand taking guests? Nah, they don’t want Americans.
Montclair Public
So…you saw a couple of social media posts of teachers allegedly celebrating the holidays with family and on the basis of such empirical evidence, it’s the MEA’s fault that the virus has massively spiked and schools can’t open. In any language French, English, Trumpese that’s rich.