The Montana Supreme Court on Wednesday released a massive 125-page opinion that struck down permanently four voting laws passed by the 2021 Legislature, saying that they impermissibly got in the way of residents exercising their right to vote. The four laws, which ranged from 18-year-olds registering before Election Day to using university-issued identification, were supported […] The post Montana Supreme court rules voter restriction laws passed in ’21 unconstitutional appeared first on Daily M
The Montana Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled a series of voting reform laws passed by the state Legislature in 2021 violate the fundamental right to vote. The ruling, issued Wednesday, reaffirms a 2022 lower court ruling that found four voting-related bills from the 2021 Legislature session are unconstitutional and cannot be enforced. The case combined a challenge…
The Montana Supreme Court on Wednesday released a massive 125-page opinion that struck down permanently four voting laws passed by the 2021 Legislature, saying that they impermissibly got in the way of residents exercising their right to vote. The four laws, which ranged from 18-year-olds registering before Election Day to using university-issued identification, were supported […] The post Montana Supreme Court rules voter restriction laws passed in 2021 are unconstitutional appeared first on Id
Many Montana candidates’ 2024 campaigns have been up and running for a while, but Thursday marked the first day candidates could take official steps to get their names on this year’s ballot.