and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. visit and talk to your rheumatologist. humira. this is a body of proof! .. sponsors dropping abc s view after controversial comments this week after nurses. they were discussing the miss america pageant. there was a girl that wrote her own monlog. this is amazing and she came out in a nurse s uniform and read her e-mails out loud and shockingly did not win. why did she have a doctor s stethoscope. he helps patients and you have to see it. a doctor s stethoscope.
active management can seek to outperform. because active investment management isn t reactive. it s active. that s the power of active management. sponsors dropping abc s view after controversial comments this week after nurses. they were discussing the miss america pageant. there was a girl that wrote her own monlog. this is amazing and she came out in a nurse s uniform and read her e-mails out loud and shockingly did not win. why did she have a doctor s stethoscope. he helps patients and you have to see it. a doctor s stethoscope.
close to friends and family and community. all of that is good. i want to believe that the governor is just now understanding the depth of the case. i want to believe he was not told by his case and i think the ref rend s encounter with the governor ahead him ask questions he maybe not have asked yet. what could he do. you are an attorney it you understand what i said earlier in the monlog, if he want its to happen he can push the buttons. he need to do it quickly. we are moving on 14 or 15 months justina is held hostage with virtually no medical care or education or access to religious services and no clergy and the family can t come in and take photographs to celebrate birthday or easter or christmas.
close to friends and family and community. all of that is good. i want to believe that the governor is just now understanding the depth of the case. i want to believe he was not told by his case and i think the ref rend s encounter with the governor ahead him ask questions he maybe not have asked yet. what could he do. you are an attorney it you understand what i said earlier in the monlog, if he want its to happen he can push the buttons. he need to do it quickly. we are moving on 14 or 15 months justina is held hostage with virtually no medical care or education or access to religious services and no clergy and the family can t come in and take photographs to celebrate birthday or easter or christmas.
glass half full approach and i am grateful 238 years ago, those who founded this nation put a greater value on our freedoms and our liberties than they did seeking favors from government to open up s new store. and i think it is going to take those who are willing to defend those freedoms today to preserve them or else they will go away as you said in your monlog. when i think of the people on the left, places like amazon and tar bucks and apple computer. i don t necessarily want the people who work there to be put out of business and shut up. and it seems like the left has decided it is not enough to have a point of view. but they shut down the view of others. why would they capitulated to the demands when no one is