Senate Bill 43 requires counties to either implement a change in the definition of the disability in January 2024 or adopt a board-approved resolution to delay it no later than January 2026.
14/12/2022 - After two years marked by the pandemic, the festival is ready to reopen to the public with a grand total of 217 films, selected from the 642 submitted
14/12/2022 - After two years marked by the pandemic, the festival is ready to reopen to the public with a grand total of 217 films, selected from the 642 submitted
Studying how we pay attention. Using computer science to develop interactive technology. Developing chemical tools to ease the process of developing drugs. This is the sort of research that the five 2022 Sloan Research Fellows from the University of Chicago are tackling. The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation awards fellowships to early-career scholars who specialize in.