Casey Johnson, a popular contestant on the HBO Max reality TV series "FBoy Island," was recently selected as a brand pitchman for Mode One Multimedia. Alan.
media for down playing what happened in waukesha as some sort of accident or suggesting that a vehicle, not a person, is the guilty party. and we all know and love greg. he doesn t hold back. here he have is from his monologue last night. take last year s riots. the media called it mostly peaceful. nothing says that like a man shot dead protecting his business. that giant lie handicapped the police so they couldn t do a thing to stop the riots without being accused of attacking mostly peaceful protestors. the media protected the mob so the cities burned and people died. this moved beyond the riots to a nationwide crime wave. as long as you dismiss the crime you create more crime. you can do it with words. harris: power panel. matt schlapp and a professor at johns hopkins university. defense mode one has to be in.