michael smerconish, what do you think of the word choice? courageous. courageous to say the president committed impeachable defenses. i was struck by that. right. i guess if amash were courageous then romney was not insofar as amash was willing to say he sees obstruction of justice and mitt romney doesn t and he wanted to make sure people knew he thought it was the preferred path even if he weren t ready to go there himself. let s talk about 2020 candidates. pete buttigieg did something interesting this weekend. he went on fox. as you know, democratic candidates are trying to decide. he criticized the fox hosts the right wing the opinion hosts. while on fox. watch this moment.
in the final week of the campaign and they think they are going to win and it signals they feel confident about it and that s a problem for the democratic party. it may be a problem, though, for the republican party long term, because you can see the campaign ads in every cycle going forward. roy moore, the candidate of the republican party, republican-backed roy moore right there. to an extent, aerial, that s the message mitt romney put out, no vote, no majority is worth losing our honor and integrity. and roy moore said mitt romney doesn t care about the truth anymore. there s an extent and roy moore is right. if there was a bigger loser than hillary clinton or the second biggest loser in the last election, it was mitt romney.
merrier. but a bush run would shake up the potentially crowded field. this is bad news for three candidates. one, chris christie, he was the other big-name candidate. two, marco rubio. senator from florida who is close to jeb and now unlikely to run for president and three, to the extent he was running, mitt romney. and if mitt romney doesn t jump in the primary, jeb bush becomes the number one push for republicans. he is popular and brings in big donors and speaks fluently spanish and was governor of florida. the narrative is rich. in 1992, president george h.w. bush was smacked down by clinton. robbing him of another term. could his son avenge him by taking on littleary. it was a year ago when barbara bush said this about a presidential run.
asking them if they were going to be neighbors, soon. the republican and democratic tickets are telling people how important they are. they say virge virge is critical in the path and quest to win the white house. bark obama is ahead right now and by less than 1-half of a point. 428,000 folks have already cast ballots and that is 40,000 less than in 2008. a lot of folks are holding their breath. not only barack bum mitt romney. but george allen and tim kaine are locked in a tight senate race. tim kainewas inside of a precinct and he was in a long line. and the line had dozens of people saying, this line is just like 2008.
people and i don t think libya came up at all. of course not. steve: i am sure you would say if you are motivated today is the lastt chance to get up and go and if you like the last four years vote for barack obama and if you didn t like the last four years, pull the lever for mitt romney. i will ask viewer to get out and vote for mitt romney it is the most important election of my lifetime . we can t continue and people need to vote today it is so important. steve: joining us from manchester. senator thank you very much for dropping by on this big historic and important day. let s go win! steve: thank you very much. straight ahead. a big hour. senator rob portman of ohio. house majority leader eric cantor of virginia and senior president advisor robert gibs