Meet 19-year-old Nandini Gupta from Kota, Rajasthan has been crowned Femina Miss India 2023 at a ceremony in Indoor Stadium, Khuman Lampak, Imphal, Manipur. Nandini Gupta defeated Shreya Poonja who became the first runner-up and Manipur s Thounaojam Strela Luwang who became the 2nd runner-up. Watch Business Today Visual Story to know about business student, performances by Kartik Aaryan, Ananya Pandey and more
Malaika Arora was one of the jury members at Femina Miss India 2022 event in Mumbai along with actors Neha Dhupia and Dino Morea. She was trolled for the colour of underwear she chose to pair with her sheer gown.
Karnataka's Sini Shetty won the Miss India 2022 title. Like many contestants before her, Shetty met certain criteria to win the coveted title: What does that criteria look like? India Today took a look at the last ten years to find out.