would not have prohibited him from purchasing a firearm. the disqualifier in the brady act is having him convicted of a felony. and he was initially arrested for a felony, but later pled that down to a misdemeanor. so that would not have stopped him. the question is whether or not he violated any michigan state lost. there is a requirement for anyone purchasing a pistol in michigan to have a pistol purchase, or purchase license, that s issued by your local sheriff or some other official. and it s not perfectly clear to me whether or not that misdemeanor conviction would have disqualified him on that grounds. the shooter had a rambling no in his backpack that referenced other mass shootings, it mention two schools in new jersey, also claiming they were, quote, 20 of him. you and i talked about this many times before. often these shooters have studied other mass shootings, or they look up to other mass shooters, or they re disturbed and sort of drawn to this. there is no question abo
his father calling him evil angry after his mother died. why is the system still unable to connect this piece of information with this piece of information and say this man should not have a gun? sure, so it comes down to those regulations that are enshrined in the brady act of 1993. that sets the parameters for how background checks are done for gun purposes. michigan is one of most states that relies on the fbi to conduct those background checks. in this case, on the facts that we know from the reporting about this man, the arrest for felony gun possession had they convicted him of felony gun possession, might have prevented him from ever legally purchasing a firearm again. looks like they pled that charge to a misdemeanor, and a misdemeanor conviction is not enough to prohibit you from buying a firearm. it looks like it was a term in his probation he was not allowed to have guns while he was on probation. as you mentioned, he completed that probation, so essentially after that dat
Hoosiers who prefer to grind their own marijuana to ensure a smoother and more consistent burn need not worry their marijuana grinder is drug paraphernalia, according to the Indiana Court
deterrence. anyone tempted to merely trespass with a future mob at the capitol must understand that the fbi will find them no matter how long it takes and bring them to justice even from a misdemeanor conviction never again. vote, argument, litigate but don t interfere in the operation of this democracy. can t ever happen. why didn t he write that editorial during portland when we had 110 days of department of justice agents and deputy u.s. marshals, you know, being seriously injured for 110 days defending a federal courthouse that they were trying to burn down with the agents in it? i didn t hear him saying that a message should be sent them. that s not to say that people that forcibly breach the capitol, attack the police shouldn t be prosecuted. obvious they should be prosecuted. martha: so you said you would vote for president trump if he was the nominee. well, it didn t exactly say