Scientists have discovered details about the genetic predispositions of children who tended to fall ill suddenly and dramatically during the Covid pandemic.The patients are sick not because of the virus, said Jean-Laurent Casanova, a geneticist at Rockefeller University, US.
कोरोना की दूसरी लहर कमजोर पड़ते ही अब तीसरी लहर आने का अनुमान हैं। एक्सपर्ट्स कह रहे हैं कि अगस्त-सितंबर के बीच तीसरी लहर आ सकती है। तब तक बच्चों को वैक्सीन नहीं लगी होगी, लिहाजा वही सबसे अनसेफ होंगे और खतरे में भी। पर इससे पहले, कोरोना से रिकवर हो चुके बच्चों में एक नई बीमारी दिख रही है। ये उन बच्चों को हो रही है जिनमें कोरोना के माइल्ड सिम्प्टम्स थे। | Symptoms of MIS-C Disease; Early Signs, Treatment & More; आखिर ये MIS-C �
OAK LAWN, Ill. (WLS) An inflammatory syndrome related to COVID-19 that is a mystery to most doctors nearly claimed the life of a young girl from northwest Indiana.
Janiya Johnson, 5, of Portage, Indiana was diagnosed a couple of months ago with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, or MIS-C.
MIS-C is a rare condition diagnosed that typically occurs four to six weeks after a child is exposed to COVID-19. Janiya is feeling better now, but her parents say she was lucky that she was diagnosed when she was. The doctor told us maybe if we had waited one more day, she possibly, they possibly couldn t have done anything for her. So that s a scary moment, said Oshunda Johnson, her mother.