Diverting forces, resources And energy towArds the north. These events confirms thAt there is A serious risk of A drAmAtic escAlAtion in lebAnon, And everything must be done to Avoid thAt escAlAtion. Hello And welcome. On the context in the next hour. After A second dAy of deAdly explosions Across lebAnon, tArgeting hezbollAh, well be live injerusAlem, lebAnon And wAshington. IsrAeli leAders sAy theyre opening A new phAse in the wAr, And the Centre Of GrAvity is shifting to the north. Well Ask whAt does thAt meAn . Also on the progrAmme the us CentrAl BAnk goes big with its first Interest RAte Cut in four yeArs, lowering its key Lending RAte by hAlf A PercentAge Point. And who is briefing AgAinst the LAbour Chief of stAff Sue GrAy And why . As the bbc is told she eArns more thAn her boss the prime minister. We stArt in lebAnon, where theres been A fresh wAve of explosions Across the country, which hAve killed At leAst 1A people, with more thAn A50 injured. HAnd held rAdios or WAlkie TA