was completely peaceful prosperous and joy fill country. more people didn t expect such a blow on their humanism, their dignity, and on their life, and so on. to date on their main aim, their main goal, and to stop this war. and speaking to the arm for mrs. minister of yesterday, he pointed out that colleagues of yours in the ukrainian parliament that had been visiting, had said that perhaps as many as 90% of buildings in and around mariupol had been struck by the russians. do you have any more detail as to what s to place at the theater in mariupol where we are told perhaps, as many as the thousand people were children? yes that s right. mariupol was besieged. many people were looking for shelter. and, this mariupol theater
minister and finance minister and somewhat minister and finance minister and somewhat publicly inconspicuous, but he has somewhat publicly inconspicuous, but he has a somewhat publicly inconspicuous, but he has a huge amount of public self confidence which shows, as the minister of self confidence which shows, as the minister of hamburg, which he once was in minister of hamburg, which he once was in his minister of hamburg, which he once was in his career, he had to face scandals was in his career, he had to face scandals that rolled off his back like water off a duck s feathers, and he like water off a duck s feathers, and he managed to overcome them pretty and he managed to overcome them pretty easily. interestingly, he was considered by his own party, the spa. considered by his own party, the spd. a considered by his own party, the spd, a social minded left of centre party, spd, a social minded left of centre party. not spd, a social minded left of centre p
take us through what is happening. yes, the memorial service isjust wrapping up here and sir david amess s coffin is being led away in a horse drawn hearse. it is being taken in procession through the streets of southend. this has been a private memorial service for his family, his closest friends and colleagues, but now there s a chance for the people of this soon to be city to line the streets here to pay their respects for the mp has given service to this town and this constituency for many decades. he is a long standing mp, a very loyal and well loved figure here in the community. well, we can talk to reverend steve, who hasjust left the service here. you were here as a guest, not leading the service, but give us an idea of what that service was like. it give us an idea of what that service was like. ., , give us an idea of what that service was like. . , . , , give us an idea of what that service was like. ., . , , ,., was like. it was incredibly powerful and poignant was like.
Il ministro delle Infrastrutture e della mobilità sostenibile Enrico Giovannini in un’intervista al 'Corriere della Sera' fa il punto della situazione in merito ai traporti pubblici, soffermandosi anche sulle ricadute per la scuola in vista di settembre.