may just educate certain students. we educate all students. all right. it s a novel idea so the parents don t have to shell out even more bucks for their kids to go to school. they re doing advertisements on things that are coming home to the parents. thank you very much. superintendent of the peabody public schools, milton burnett. speaking of your tax dollars, they could pay for convicts to read books behind bars. books about cold blooded murder? well, it s happening. and the guy behind this exhibit called it art but christians are calling it appalling. at the center of the debate, jesus involved in a lewd act. , panda moon. how about chinese at home with wanchai ferry? you can make it in just 14 minutes. mmmh, orange chicken. great. i didn t feel like going out anyway. [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry. restaurant quality chinese in your grocer s freezer.
the threat. western intelligence sources confirm to fox several possible targets in france and germany that could be the focus of the latest terror threat. one is the eiffel tower which is visited by six million tourists a year. it s been closed twice in the past two weeks because of security threats and in berlin, the targets mentioned include a hotel near the famous brandenberg gate and berlin central station. now, according to western intelligence sources, most of this information is coming from the interrogation of a german pakistani man who is now jailed in afghanistan. the u.s., again, is not warning americans to change their travel plans or cancel their trips to europe but to be extra cautious if they go. back to you guys. thank you very much, julie kirtz. somewhat of a maddening warning if you re going to europe and you re saying to yourself, ok, i m here. there s a travel warning that says don t go to popular public places. fantastic. or if you go, be on the lookou