Many university students don t actually know about the almost unlimited resources available at their college libraries. Most students will think of tutoring services or resource books to check out for
Country Gazette
Day of Giving planned in Franklin
FRANLIN The Franklin Education Foundation (FEF) invites the community to join in a Day of Giving on Tuesday, May 4 as Franklin celebrates the birthday of public-school advocate Horace Mann and the amazing work of local educators.
Since 1997, FEF has funded hundreds of educational grants totaling more than $300,000 to inspire innovative and sustainable programs, and to further support excellence in education within Franklin Public Schools.
The educational grants support engaging, diverse and sustainable pre K-12 learning opportunities and resources, including a Franklin Family Resource Guide, Box City, Family Astronomy Night, and the Franklin High School Empty Bowls Project, which are just a few of the many projects that have benefited students, families, educators and the community at large over the decades.