Earlier this month, Mathew Johnson, a candidate for the Kingdom East School District board, tuned into a school board meeting to express frustration with the district’s policies. The district’s mask mandate was “blatant child abuse, in my opinion,” he.
Melissa Casey says:
If school districts and cities/towns continue to push the narrative that Vermonters are racist, then they certainly don’t need our racist tax dollars to fund their pity-me victim mentality party/agenda. Teachers and administrators must reject our white supreme money and support in total because they must not need or accept our dirty racist money any longer. Tax revolt on deck because it’s racist money from racist workers.
Homer Sulham says:
It seems to me that if it is a public flagpole, fly the American flag and state flag. On your own pole on private property you can fly whatever flag you want to, after all we are all Americans form very diverse backgrounds.