Material founded incinerator examined in Korea make a case for spokesman said the material requires forensic analysis in the coming weeks u.s. Tells North Korea it s not trying to topple the regime we do not seek regime change we do not see the collapse of the regime Prince Philip s final solo in Gauge months is with the role Marines today it s very appropriate that military job because of course he served in the war as mentioned in dispatches twice. Just on the handling material has been found in an incinerator switch that could have links to missing Aria famine Karima cake money Perella has the details detectives searching for Corey McCabe say the material needs further examination to establish whether it s linked to the men the 23 year old who was based at r.e.i. Pointing to an in Suffolk went missing after a night out with friends in Bury St Edmunds last September police called off a landfill search in Milton in Cambridge after sifting through nearly 7000 tons of waste over 20 wee