multiple shark sightings over the weekend. in one incident, a 33-year-old lifeguard fought off a shark after being attacked during a training exercise. he was bitten in the right hand and in the chest. can you see video of him being fighting that shark off. he says he is recovering and will be back to work in 10 days. good for him. beaches now posting signs and flying navy blue flags to warn of sharks in the area. and four vietnam veterans receiving the medal of honor today for repeatedly risking their lives to defend injured comrade. specialist dwight birdwell, major john duffy and dennis will receive the government s highest military honor at the white house. staff seargt edward on the bottom right of your screen is receiving the medal pass thiewm mustily after making the ultimate sack nice vietnam. guy whos, are those your head will lines back to you. rachel: thank you, ashley. coming up, local officials near the border are ready to act
and shot multiple times. the akron police chief says, a medical report shows walker was shot 50 times. eight officers involved have been placed on administrative release. four vietnam veterans receiving medal of honor for risking their lives to defend the injured comrades. special major john duffy will receive the government highest military honor at the white house. staff sergeant on the bottom right of your screen is receiving the metal after making the ultimate sacrifice in vietnam. well, george gascon can soon be on the ballot to recall organizers say a critical milestone ahead of the deadline. they are ready to let voters decide whether he should keep his job. we are talking to the next
murdering a professional cyclist who had dated her boyfriend returned to the u.s. what we re learning about her weeks on the run. and america strong. a military honor nearly 80 years overdue. announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is world news tonight. good evening. it s great to have you with us on this sunday. i m whit johnson. as we come on the air tonight, there are calls for calm and for protest in akron, ohio after the release of body camera video of the police shooting of jayland walker, an unarmed black man. demonstrators taking to the streets today demanding answers. walker s family attorney asking for protesters to be peaceful. a warning, some of these images are disturbing. authorities say the video shows walker leading police on a high-speed chase. at one point police say they saw a gunshot coming from his car door. later officers raced to apprehend walker after he exits
honor recipient died today. woody williams was a united states marine. he single handedly killed 21 enemy soldiers in four hours, according to world war ii museum. october 5th, 1945, president harry truman awarded him the highest military honor. williams has a u.s. navy warship named after him. he s a member of the warship. he died in the va hospital that bears his name. the legacy wears on through the woody williams foundation. may his memory be a blessing. if you ever miss an episode of believe, you can listen to it wherever you get your podcast. sitting right there. our coverage now continues with one now mr. wolf blitzer in a