everybody sing it. birthday happy birthday happy birthday dayppy monument happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2011] michelle bachmann is here, i understand, and she is thinking about running for president. which is weird, because i hear she was born in canada. [laughter] yes, michelle, this is how it starts. it is so amazing to be in washington d.c., all of this history, these amazing buildings, and here we are, at the hilton. [laughter] the red carpet outside was amazing. who are you wearing? what does it matter, i m going into the hilton. [laughter] c-span s coverage from the white house correspondents dinner, are ranked among youtube s top 10 most viewed political videos. you can watch them on line at youtube.com/cspan. for this year s video competition, part of the constitution has meaning to you, an