Apr 7, 2021 5:00 AMLocal News
The votes have been tabulated, and Justin Nickels will be serving another term as Manitowoc’s Mayor.
Having received 4,902 votes compared to 2,247 for his challenger Chris Able, Mayor Nickels said he is excited to continue to serve the citizens of the Clipper City.
As far as the Aldermanic races go, in District One, Brett Vanderkin defeated Theresa Schmitt 336 to 190, while Michael Cummings toppled Theresa Collins 325 to 294. Tim Boldt will be representing District Seven after coming out on top over Scott Pelot 343 to 149, while Chad Beeman and Todd Reckelburg ran unopposed in Districts Two and Ten respectively.
All of those winners will be serving for two-year terms.