Six Nations community members urged not to cross international border to USA
February 3, 2021
Turtle Island News Writers
SIX NATIONS OF THE GRAND-Six Nations community members who return to the community after crossing the border into the USA or leaving the province must quarantine for 14 days or could face a fine of up to $1000.
Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) released a statement Wednesday noting that Six Nations Police Services (SNPS) are facing a consistent number of community members who travel across the border despite the community’s Black Level Alert status, requiring residents to only leave home for essential purposes.
“Each community member must do their part by following the health and safety measures that protect against COVID-19. It needs to be stressed to the community that they should only be travelling for essential purposes,” Lori Davis Hill, Director of Health Services said. Six Nations postiive COVID-19 cases rose to 11 Wednesday, Feb., 3, 2021 and