comeback because one hour ago you were really stumbling. it was really disappointing. tiger says he will play the open in july. he says it is a comeback. i love it. he loves the game. we have a lot more ahead in our coverage of the russian invasion of ukraine. former ambassador michael mcfaul is with us along with former world boxing champion and member of the kyiv territorial defense, wladimir klitschko. also ahead, former president obama told democrats to tell their stories ahead of the mid terms. is the party listening? former new york city mayor bill de blasio joins our panel as we dig into what the democrats can do to avoid a midterm shelacking. morning joe is back in a moment. king morning joe is back in a moment prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive
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the chinese in manufacturing if that is what we want to do but the problem is we do not have picked a company that is at least well positioned. it is possible they can recover and be successful in the long run but right now they are facing an uphill struggle. thank you for getting up earr us, it is 4:30 in san francisco. we appreciate it. president bush is standing by the tea party. i see democracy working. people are expressing a level of frustration or concern and they are getting involved in the process. we have more on why the former president says people are taking to the streets. after what president obama called a midterm shelacking, he left for overseas. stay tuned.